1 Part Class


Our legacy is our story, the essence of our lives, and the enduring imprint we leave on the world long after we are gone. This class will focus on how we want to be remembered and ways to be remembered by exploring legacy from five distinct angles.

Preserving Heritage: The role of legacy activities in cultivating cultural identity.
Passing Down Wisdom: The art of mentorship as a legacy activity.
Legacy in the Digital Age: Exploring innovative approaches to preserving legacies.
From Generations Past to Generations Future: The continuity of family legacies.
The Value of Positive Legacy: Various ways in which individuals can contribute to shaping their legacy.

The class will also provide various resources, activities, and ideas for implementing your thoughts about your own legacy as well as your loved ones.

Taught By Stephanie Smith

I Will Be Attending:


  • Limited to 20 Learners
  • 1 Part Class