Conversations About Death, Wilmington, NC - October

'Conversations About Death' is a unique social gathering that provides an open and supportive environment for individuals to engage in meaningful discussions about death, dying, and grieving. Each meeting will have a topic for exploration, giving everyone a great opportunity to explore thoughts and feelings, share experiences, ask questions, and learn from others.

October's Topic is 'End-of-life Planning.' Join us for a thoughtful conversation about preparing for the end of life with dignity and intention. We'll explore the importance of advance directives and other end-of-life documentation and how they can help you:

• Achieve your personal goals and priorities during your final days
• Ensure your physical and emotional needs are met
• Address fears and anxieties about the dying process
• Communicate your wishes and values to loved ones
• Reduce stress and uncertainty for yourself and those around you

This is a safe and supportive space to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from others, and no legal advice will be given. CFDE Board President Susan Farrell, an end-of-life specialist and death doula, will facilitate the meeting.

While this event is free, we kindly ask that you register your attendance to help us prepare accordingly.

Location: Wilmington, NC, at Northeast Library, 1241 Military Cutoff Rd, Wilmington, NC 28405, on Wednesday, October 23rd, from 2 to 3:30 p.m.

Taught By Susan Farrell

I Will Be Attending:

Next Class  10/23/2024 - 02:00 PM EST
Conversations About Death, Wilmington, NC - October