Conversations About Death, Wilmington, NC - February

'Conversations About Death' is a unique social gathering that provides an open and supportive environment for individuals to engage in meaningful discussions about death, dying, and grieving. Each meeting will have a topic for exploration, giving everyone a great opportunity to explore thoughts and feelings, share experiences, ask questions, and learn from others.

February's Topic is 'Death in Popular Culture.' The portrayal of death within popular culture is a nuanced and intricate subject that mirrors and influences our understanding of mortality. Through various mediums such as literature, film, television, music, and art, popular culture serves as a means for individuals to examine, face, and comprehend death while also offering avenues to overlook or suppress it. Come and join us as we explore how death is represented in popular culture and its impact on society now and in the future.

Location: Zoom
Date: Wednesday, February 19th, from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
A Zoom link will be provided upon registration.

I Will Be Attending:

Next Class  02/19/2025 - 06:00 PM EST
Conversations About Death, Wilmington, NC - February

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