Conversations About Death - Wilmington, NC - March

'Conversations About Death' is a unique social gathering that provides an open and supportive environment for individuals to engage in meaningful discussions about death, dying, and grieving. Each meeting will have a topic for exploration, giving everyone a great opportunity to explore thoughts and feelings, share experiences, ask questions, and learn from others.

March's topic is 'Death & Grieving in the Digital Age'. In the digital age, grief has undergone profound transformations. Social media platforms and online memorials now serve as virtual spaces for collective mourning, enabling people to share tributes, memories, and condolences across geographical boundaries. Virtual funerals and live-streamed services have become integral. However, this digital shift also raises questions about the emotional impact of prolonged exposure to reminders of the deceased and the potential trivialization of grief through disembodied, emoji-driven expressions. Emerging technologies like grief bots further complicate this landscape by offering simulated interactions with deceased loved ones, challenging traditional notions of closure and mourning. So, what does grief look like to you in the digital age?

Location: NE Library - Wilmington NC
Date: Wednesday, March 19th, from 2 to 3:30 p.m.

I Will Be Attending:

Next Class  03/19/2025 - 02:00 PM EST
Conversations About Death - Wilmington, NC - March