Susan Farrell

Wilmington, NC

Susan is driven by a passion for transforming how we approach death and dying, bringing it back to its roots – personal, intimate, and community-driven. With 25 years of non-profit experience in global development, she's learned that true empowerment comes from community and individual agency.

A deeply personal experience fuels her dedication: the loss of her father, who died alone from complications of an unwanted surgery. This sparked a commitment to ensuring that everyone faces death with planning, intention, and support.

As an End-of-Life Doula (INELDA-trained), hospice volunteer, and eldercare service provider, Susan has witnessed the transformative power of community and personalized care. She's also served on the Board of an organization supporting LGBTQIA+ individuals over 50, promoting death acceptance and education.

As Board President of the Center for Death Education, Susan combines non-profit leadership expertise with personal passion, empowering individuals to take control of their end-of-life journey. She's committed to expanding the organization's reach, making death education accessible to all, and supporting individuals and communities in navigating deathcare with compassion and confidence.

Susan Farrell